Columbia, MD – May 15, 2023 – Red Arch Solutions Announces New Council to Support Technical Advancement and Innovation
In April Red Arch Solutions kicked off the Red Arch Solutions Technical Council at their headquarters in Columbia, MD. The Council, comprised of highly technical individuals and back office support, will assist Executive Leadership in fulfilling its technical advancement goals and objectives.
The Council is consistent with Red Arch Solutions’ culture of forward thinking solutions for today and tomorrow. For almost 20 years, Red Arch Solutions has been providing solutions to the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community to solve some of the most pressing and unique challenges related to national security. Red Arch Solutions’ vision is to be recognized and valued by customers and partners as innovative technology experts.
“Red Arch is excited to invest in its people and future through forward leading to develop nextgen cyber as a service and data engineering platform solutions that will propel Red Arch into its next growth phase,” said Heather Hogan, President of Red Arch Solutions.
Red Arch Solutions is a small business leader in data modernization and analytics, cybersecurity, and cloud solutions. For more information, contact Alex Ries at 443-539-0602.